Specialist Referrals

Connecting You with Expert Care

The Significance of Specialist Referral

Learn the function and benefits of specialist referrals.

Specialist referrals are a critical component of comprehensive healthcare. They ensure that you have access to healthcare professionals with expertise in specific areas of medicine. Whether it's for a precise diagnosis or specialized treatment, these referrals are integral to addressing your unique health concerns effectively.

Enhanced Healthcare Pathways

Trusted Specialist Referrals for Targeted Care Needs With Dr. Marianne J. Legato

In the journey of maintaining and improving your health, sometimes a specific condition requires the attention of a specialist. During your annual examination or six-month follow-up, if a particular health issue is identified that necessitates specialized expertise, we provide trusted specialist referrals. These referrals are essential in ensuring that you receive the best possible care tailored to your specific needs.

Specialist referral

The Process

If Dr. Legato identifies a condition that requires specialized attention during your visit, she will recommend a referral to a specialist in the relevant field for an in-depth evaluation of your condition. The most appropriate course of treatment will then be discussed with you to create a smooth transition in your care journey.

Collaborative care approach

Seamless Integration of Expertise

Specialist referrals are part of a collaborative care approach. After the specialist's evaluation and treatment, they may recommend further testing or treatments or refer you back to Dr. Legato for ongoing health maintenance. This collaborative approach ensures continuity and comprehensiveness in your healthcare management.